An educational resource dedicated mainly to the photography
and diversity of marine life that can be found in coastal waters
and intertidal areas of Great Britain and Ireland by David Fenwick.

Copepoda - Sea lice or copepod images (Crustaceans)
Collection of British Copepoda (Image 1200 x 900, 110Kb)

Copepods parasitic on fishes

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Ergasilida (Suborder)

Chondracanthidae (Family)

Acanthochondria cornuta (Müller O.F., 1776)
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse of Plaice

Lernentoma asellina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- A parasitic copepod, here on Red Gurnard

Taeniacanthidae (Family)

Anchistrotos zeugopteri (Scott T., 1902)
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Common Topknot

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Siphonostomatoida (Order)

Caligidae (Family)

Caligus brevipedis Bassett-Smith, 1896
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse of Shore Rockling

Caligus centrodonti Baird, 1850
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Ballan Wrasse

Caligus curtus O. F. Müller, 1785
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Plaice

Caligus elongatus Nordmann, 1832 ?
- A parasitic copepod or sea louse on Garfish

Caligus pelamydis Krøyer, 1863
- A parasitic copepod found on gills
of Atlantic Mackerel, Scomber scombrus

Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Müller O.F., 1776)
- A copepod parasite or Sea louse found on Plaice

Lernaeopodidae (Family)

Clavella adunca (Strøm, 1762)
- A parasitic copepod or Sea louse of Cod

Pennellidae (Family)

Lernaeocera branchialis (Linnaeus, 1767) - Cod worm

Copepods in sea squirts (parasitic and commensal)

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order)

Botryllophilidae (Family)

Haplostoma eruca (Norman, 1869)
- A botryllophilid copepod

Haplostoma sp. ? in tunicate Ascidiella aspersa
- A botryllophilid copepod (Newlyn, 04.09.20)

Notodelphyidae (Family)

Doropygella psyllus (Thorell, 1859)
- A notodelphyid copepod

Doropygus pulex Thorell, 1859 ?
- A notodelphyid copepod

Notodelphys cf. caerulea - A notodelphyid copepod

Ophioseides cardiocephalus Hesse, 1864
syn. Ophioseide cardiacephalus Gerstaecker, 1871
- A notodelphyid copepod

Pachypygus gibber (Thorell, 1859)
- A notodelphyid copepod

A species within the notodelphyidae
- Notodelphyid copepod found at Newlyn Marina 29.06.16.

Other Copepods

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Gymnoplea (Superorder) > Calanoida (Order) > Pontellidae (Family)

Anomalocera patersoni Templeton, 1837
- A surface living (neustonic) copepod

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Harpacticoida (Order) > Dactylopusiidae (Family)

Dactylopusioides macrolabris (Claus, 1866)
- Copepod mining the brown algae Dictyota dichotoma

Diarthrodes feldmanni Bocquet, 1953
- Copepod mining the red algae Cryptopleura ramosa

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Harpacticoida (Order) > Harpacticidae (Family)

Tigriopus brevicornis (Müller O.F., 1776)
- A harpacticid copepod associated with Ulva intestinalis

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Monstrilloida (Order) > Monstrillidae (Family)

Cymbasoma species from Newlyn Marina 11.10.16
- A monstrillid copepod

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Enteropsidae (Family)

Enterocola sp. - Enteropsid copepod, a tunicate parasite

Enteropsis roscoffensis Chatton & Brément, 1909
- An enteropsid copepod

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Ergasilida (Suborder) > Mytilicolidae (Family)

Mytilicola intestinalis Steuer, 1902 - Mussel red worm
or Red worm disease (of Mussels)

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Ergasilida (Suborder) > Rhynchomolgidae (Family)

Paranthessius anemoniae Claus, 1889
- A rhynchomolgid copepod parasitic of Anemonia
, the Snakelocks anemone

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Entobiidae (Family)

Entobius sp.? - Entobiid copepod, endoparasitic in the polychaete worm Polycirrus

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Mesoglicolidae (Family)

Mesoglicola delagei Quidor, 1906 - An endoparasite of Corynactis viridis, Jewel anemone.

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Rhynchomolgidae (Family)

Doridicola aff. agilis Leydig, 1853
- A copepod parasite on the Sea slug Janolus cristatus

Ectoparasitic copepod of genus Doridicola or
Anthessius on nudibranch Polycera quadrilineata

Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Eubranchus doriae - Penzance, 30.07.18

Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Eubranchus farrani - Newlyn, 15.08.17

Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Facelina auriculata - Newlyn Marina, 08.08.18

Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Facelina auriculata - Newlyn, 10.08.18

Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Facelina annulicornis - Newlyn, 10.08.18

Unidentified parasitic or commensal copepod ? on
nudibranch Trinchesia foliata - Newlyn, 10.08.18

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Cyclopoida (Order) > Poecilostomatoida (Suborder) > Splanchnotrophidae (Family)

Lomanoticola brevipes (Hancock & Norman, 1863)
- A splanchnotrophid copepod in Doto species of nudibranchs, Newlyn Marina, Cornwall. (Various dates)

Lomanoticola brevipes (Hancock & Norman, 1863) ?
- A splanchnotrophid copepod in sea slug Facelina bostoniensis, Newlyn, Cornwall. 06.06.15.

Lomanoticola brevipes (Hancock & Norman, 1863) ?
in nudibranch Trinchesia foliata syn. Cuthona foliata.
Newlyn Marina, Newlyn, Cornwall. (Various dates)

Splanchnotrophus gracilis Hancock & Norman, 1863
- A splanchnotrophid copepod on Acanthodoris pilosa

Splanchnotrophus willemi Canu, 1891 ?
- A splanchnotrophid copepod in Ancula gibbosa

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Siphonostomatoida (Order) > Asterocheridae (Family)

Asterocheres species on sponge
- An asterocherid copepod

Possibly a small species of Asterocheres
on the sponge Aplysilla rosea
- An asterocherid copepod

Neocopepoda (Infraclass) > Podoplea (Superorder) > Siphonostomatoida (Order) > Nicothoidae (Family)

Sphaeronella danica Hansen, 1897 ? - Parasitic nicothoid
copepod, host amphipod Monocorophium acherusicum

Sphaeronella gottoi O'Reilly, 2001 ? - Parasitic nicothoid copepod in ostracod Cylindroleberis mariae host

Various un-identified copepods
Copepod species from Newlyn, Cornwall. 04.06.16.

Copepod species from Newlyn, Cornwall. 15.10.18.

Copepod found on washing Psammechinus miliaris,
Green sea urchin, 05.08.17.

Copepod, pelagic diatom feeder on feathers and flotsam

Sea lice, Sea louse, copepod species to identify

Copepoda copepods parasitic fish Sea lice images