Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- dorsal view adult male 2
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- ventral view adult male 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- adult male with 0.1mm division rule 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- pereopod 2 of male under a compound microscope 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- pereopod 2 of male under a compound microscope 2
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- close-up of the curved setae on the male pereopod 2 - 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- habitat / location 1
Janirid isopod
Jaera (Jaera) praehirsuta
- habitat / location 2
This species was found in the minority with other Jaera species, the most common first, J. J. ischiosetosa, J. J. albifrons and J. J. forsmani, under stones on the beach in front of The Pandora Inn, Restronguet Passage, near Mylor Bridge, Penryn, Cornwall, 22.02.18.
Jaera albifrons group were superabundant at this location. There was one previous record for Jaera Jaera praehirsuta at this location, the only visible record in Cornwall, ERICA and NBN. The presence of all members of the Jaera albifrons group was not expected and was a bit of a nightmare as males first had to be selected and then looked at under a compound microscope to try and find J. J. praehirsuta among them, the species being identified from the curved setae on the propodus, carpus and merus on pereopod 2 in male specimens, as seen in the images.
No females were photographed, they would literally be impossible to separate from the females of the other species present. The specimen photographed was freshly preserved in ethanol very shortly before its photography and prior to dissection.